Height: 200
Weight: 115
Team: ASU
Position: Center
Jersey Number: 14
Islam Abbas is a serious athlete who made a career out of his passion for sports. This 28-years-old guy holds a masters degree in sports education and is planning on acquiring his Ph.D in the near future. He started playing basketball when he was 16-years-old and the first club he has ever played at was Al Wihdat Club. Today, he is pivoting for the A.S.U clud, and is proud of the 70 international basketball matches he has been to. Soccer remains his second favorite sport and his best recollection of past achievements was when he took part in the West Asian Basketball Championship in 2003
Question: what do u think the future of Jordan basketball will be?

I asked Islam some questions and he kindly answered them
Question: What are your hobbies?
Islam: متابعة الفورميلا (سباق السيارات),السباحة
Question: who is your favorite team/ player(locally and international)?
Islam: العلوم التطبيقية و زوووز برشلونة و ميسي
Question: what do u think the future of Jordan basketball will be?
Islam: انو رح نطلع كاس العالم :)وهاد احسن شي رح ايصير
Question: what was the best game u ever played so far and why?
Islam: كتييييييييير :) بس مباراة المنتخب مع تونس في بطولة المللك عبد الله السنة الماضيه
Question: what is the message that you like to send to your fans?
Islam: شكرا كتير انكم بتابعوني وهاد احسن شي بصير للاعب اي رياضه وان شاء الله بكون عند حسن الظن

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